Tuesday, 29 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Zip ties

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Ending on a bit of a boring note. But hey, we made it! A month of blog posts about travel tips. Hope it was helpful for some people. Today we're talking zip ties. For security.

Zip tie on the zipper.

Monday, 28 April 2014

A to Z 2014: YOLO

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Yes, I know, that is such a lame title. The thing is, that's kind of the attitude one should have when going on adventures.

I'm feeding teh kitteh!!!

Sunday, 27 April 2014

A to Z 2014: X-Ray

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

If you fly, your stuff will have to pass through an x-ray machine. Please be prepared for this before it is your turn to put your shoes in the trey.

Carry on liquids.

Friday, 25 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Water

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Water. It seems so simple yet can it can get complicated while travelling.

Caribbean water.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Visa

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

I'm not talking about your credit card. We covered that already. I refer to entry visas, of course.

My favourite visa. So pretty.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Umbrella

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Will you need an umbrella or a rain coat? How much SFP will I need in my moisturizer? Part of checking the weather is understanding precipitation and humidity.

The infamous yellow umbrella

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Transportation

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

There are so many modes of transportation around the globe! You should try them!

OBB Trains are the best!
Besides planes, trains and automobiles... There are tonnes of country-specific vehicles to ride.

Monday, 21 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Shoes and Shirts

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Planning out what footwear and clothing to pack is super important! Know what the climate will be like where you are going and if there are any special considerations for modesty you need to be aware of.

The perfect pair for a week in Asia.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Research

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! I've mentioned this a bunch of times already. You might think you're a free spirit and you'll just go where the wind takes you but there are things you NEED to know before you go. Things that will make or break your trip.

We stayed at a gorgeous Spanish parador in Ceuta for cheap because I did my research on line.

Friday, 18 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Queue

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

One of my favourite "Q" words: queue. It looks like you should say 'kwee-uw' or something. But no, just 'q'. Oh, and how one queues can be so different in different places!

Western style line up.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Power Bar

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Travelling with a power bar has made life so much easier!

All power bars should have plug configurations like this.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Open Mind

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

When experiencing new cultures one needs to keep an open mind. Things that seem odd or even wrong to you, may well be perfectly normal where you are. (And vice versa! Be patient with foreigners in your country!)

Durian is delicious once you give it a chance!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Negotiations

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

When you're visiting a different culture, you may have to look at everything as a constant negotiation. Things may seem strange so you'll need to adapt.

Tourist boats negotiating their way through a floating market in Thailand.

Monday, 14 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Maps

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

If you're travelling, you'll need a map. Thankfully we have more options these days than in the past!

Always pull off to the side if you're going to open up a map.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Language Apps

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Not everyone speaks English. Be respectful. Try to learn at least a few words in the national language of the country in which you are a guest. There are lots of great apps to help.

"Dry Ginger Ale"

Friday, 11 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Kilograms

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

This is the post about luggage. L was taken. 

Can you lift your backpack?

Thursday, 10 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Junk

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

If you're going anywhere even remotely touristy, there will be hawkers trying to sell you junk. And it starts to look the same from one town to the next...

The old town of Hoi An is all tourist shops now.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Invest

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Invest your money, time and heart into travel. Be invested.

I'd dreamt of visiting Italy for so long...

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Healthcare

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Nobody plans to get sick or injured on vacation but this is a possibility. Be prepared!

Getting vaccinated.

Monday, 7 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Guided Tours

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

This was always something I was hesitant about. Only old people book tours, right? Maybe not...

Our tour group in the medina of Tétouan, Morocco.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Food

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

There are so many reasons to travel. So many. One of my absolute favourites is the food. There are flavours around the world that you haven't experienced yet! Go find them!

Thailand is so tasty!

Friday, 4 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Entertainment

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Are you not entertained? No? Then bring some with you!

No matter how epic and exciting your trip plans may be, there is a chance you will want some down time. At the very least, you might be killing some time in airports.

Reading on a train.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Debit Card

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Debit card or Credit card? How much cash should I bring? Gone are the days of travellers' cheques! Not that I have ever even seen one. This is another issue that you will have to do some research on and will depend greatly on where you are going.

I'm a millionaire!!! (In Indonesia Rupiah.)

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Camera

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Choosing your camera is a pretty big deal. You should not be buying a new camera just before a big trip. You'll want some time to get used to it. Learn the features.

Find some shade to check your work.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

A to Z 2014: Baño

{For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically on the topic of travel tips.}

Two things you should know about using the washroom in other countries: what are they called and how do they work?

Airports tend to be pretty safe.