Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Running to Apo: The Soundtrack

One can have grand dreams to motivate one to run, but when it comes to putting one foot in front of the other, I NEED music to push me. I suspect a lot of other runners feel the same. 

If I could only suggest you add one new song to your running playlist, it would be this one, after you see this video for it:

So here is my current Running Playlist in alphabetical order (Beats Per Minute*):

Monday, 12 August 2013

Running to Apo: Climate Challenge

As previously mentioned, my goal is to climb Mt Apo in spring. My current training ground is the nearby cemetery. It makes for an interesting run.

I think that pig is tied to a rejected cement coffin or something. There are a few of these leading up to the cemetery. Today was the first time I saw a pig here.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Announcement: I've Started Running

For some of you out there in Internet land, running is no big deal. Lots of bloggers write about fitness and the amazing things they do. I tend to write about travel and cookies and movies. I've never been known for my athletic abilities. To this day, my greatest physical feat was that time I served the winning point at the finals in junior high volleyball.

Here is why I've started running:

You see those mountains in the distance? I'm going to climb one. Mt. Apo. The highest peak in the Philippines. This is the view of my goal from my running path. It is a pretty sweet motivator.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Zoo

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

Z is for Zoo!
Canadian Lynx!

Monday, 29 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Yogourt

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

Y is for Yogourt! 

Pear yogourt.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Xenophilia

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

X is for Xenophilia! 

International Day!

Friday, 26 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Water

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

W is for Water!

The Assiniboine River in Winnipeg.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Vegetables

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

V is for Vegetables!

Veggies at the Bankerohan market in Davao.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Ube

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

U is for Ube!

Ube and Cheese ice cream.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Trees

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

T is for Trees!

Palms and others in Davao.

Monday, 22 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Sky

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

S is for Sky!

The most amazing picture I have ever taken.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Restaurants

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

R is for Restaurants!

Coconut curry covered crab at Grab-a-Crab in Davao.

Friday, 19 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Quiet

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

Q is for Quiet!

City art near the Millennium library in downtown Winnipeg. A place to be quiet.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Parks

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

P is for Parks!
A winter photo shoot with friends in Munson Park, Winnipeg.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Opa Gagnam Style

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

O is for Oppa Gagnam Style!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Name

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

N is for Name!

Bienvenue à Winnipeg!

Monday, 15 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Malls

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

M is for Malls!

Saturday, 13 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Language

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

L is for Language!

Mix-mix is the common ad language here.

Friday, 12 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Krispy Kreme

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

K is for Krispy Kreme!

The newest KK in town!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Java

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

J is for Java!

The "floating" Starbucks at SM Lanang.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Ice

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

I is for Ice!

This is how we know ice in Winnipeg. It covers everything.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Health

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

H is for Health!

Getting shots before we left from our nurse friend.

Monday, 8 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Grocery Stores

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

G is for Grocery Stores!

One of the two SM Supermarkets in town.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Friends

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

F is for Friends!

I love these people!

Friday, 5 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Entertainment

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

E is for Entertainment!
Traditional Filipino stick dancing by Tribu K'Mindanawan.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Driving

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

D is for Driving!

Ok, so, technically this is in Manila, but it's one of the most awesome things I've ever seen. A small dog in a biker jacket with a helmet riding on the back of a motorcycle!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Climate

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

C is for Climate!
Spring in Winnipeg.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Bananas

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.
B is for Banana!


Monday, 1 April 2013

A to Z 2013: Agriculture

For the month of April I will be blogging alphabetically with the theme of Winnipeg versus Davao City. Not to prove a winner but simply to explore the differences and similarities between my home town and my current location.

A is for Agriculture!

Wheat and wind farm in Southern Manitoba.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

It's Almost April...

"April showers bring May flowers."

Or if you are a blogger April means it is time for the Blogging From A to Z Challenge!

Graphic by Jeremy [Retro-Zombie] via the A to Z Challenge site.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Opening Up a Can of Worms

Would you open a can of worms for dinner? I mean that literally. Would you feed your family bugs?

My originally intent with this whole blog was to post about random topics. That's how my brain works in real life; I'm all over the place with my interests. Lately my blog had been looking like a South East Asia travel guide so I thought I'd change it up.

But he's too cute to eat!

Friday, 15 February 2013


One of the perks of working for an international NGO is travel! I recently go to visit some colleges in Jakarta, Indonesia. I didn't get to do much exploring but here are a few photos of my experience...

The view of the Jakarta skyline from my hotel room. (Click to enlarge.)

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Palawan New Years 2013: Day 4 - The Gypsy's Lair Art Cafe

After the Underground River Tour, we went to the TripAdvisor number one (out of 48)  rated restaurant in Puerto Princesa: The Gypsy's Lair Art Cafe. (La Terrasse was #2.)

The Gypsy's Lair Art Cafe.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Palawan New Years 2013: Day 4 - Underground River!

The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River is a UNESCO World Heritage Site as well as one of the New7Wonders of Nature. So we thought maybe we should check it out. As I mentioned in an earlier post, our original tour was cancelled by the coast guard because of bad weather. We spent the whole day not knowing if we would be able to visit this National Park or not. Long story short, yes, we got to go!!!

The boats waiting for their turn.

Palawan New Years 2013: Day 3 - Pristine Beach

Pristine Beach. It might not be what you would expect, given the name. But it was a short walk from our hotel so we thought we'd just go take a look.

Pristine Beach

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Palawan New Years 2013: Day 3 - El Cielo Mansion

Our third day on Palawan was supposed to be our Underground River tour but we found out at breakfast that the coast guard cancelled it due to bad weather. We were disappointed but our hotel told us that they would contact the tour company and try to get us in the next day. Because this happened to be New Years Day, the permit office was closed so we wouldn't know until the next morning if we could actually go. (It is a protected area so you need to get a permit to visit the river.) Oh, the suspense!!!

I'll take this time to talk a little about our accommodations.

El Cielo Mansion

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Palawan New Years 2013: Day 2 - La Terrasse

After getting cleaned up from our Honda Bay adventures, we headed out to La Terrasse for dinner.

Welcome to La Terrasse!

Palawan New Years 2013: Day 2 - Honda Bay Tour ~ Part 3

Our final stop on the Honda Bay Tour was Pandan Island.

Pandan Island also had mangroves.

Palawan New Years 2013: Day 2 - Honda Bay Tour ~ Part 1

Our second day on Palawan we took an island hopping boat tour of the near-by Honda Bay. This was super fun! If you're staying in Puerto Princesa, I highly recommend it.

The boats waiting for their passengers.

Palawan New Years 2013: Day 1 - Puerto Princesa City Tour

After our lunch in the mangroves, we got picked up for a tour of the city.

Freakiest landing pattern I've ever experience. That's Honda Bay in the distance. More on that later.

Palawan New Years 2013: Day 1 - Badjao Seafront

Our NGO is closed for two weeks over Christmas and New Years. We weren't sure if we would have company over that time or not. It turns out that we didn't so we decided to go to Palawan!

Cebu Pacific has a daily direct flight from Davao City to Puerto Princesa for a very reasonable price. There was even a promo! We got in just after 10am and once we checked into our hotel, we headed out for an early lunch.

The entrance to Badjao Seafront Restaurant.